
and Collaborative SDoH Social Care Management system

SocialCarePlus connects the appropriate community based social care providers to improve health outcomes for patients with complex needs.


Our system provides efficient “whole person” care coordination through secure HIPAA-compliant data sharing.

SocialCarePlus uses collaborative technology to meet patients' needs across all social care programs. We personalize and coordinate whole-person health services: need and behavioral identification, appropriate referrals, tracking patient engagements & program delivery. SocialCarePlus empowers clinical, behavioral, and community-based care teams to securely share information, coordinate care and manage health for social, behavioral, and medical needs.


How it works
for Patients?


How it works
for CBOs?

Providers, ACOs, FQHCs

How it works for Providers,


How it works
for MCOs?

How it Works for


Receive a Program invitation


Execute digital consent


Complete SDoH Screener


Screener input configured into special AI prescriptive model


Referrals sent to appropriate CBOs


Receive timely “whole person” social care from CBOs

Main features

New breed of Social Care Management systems
Turn-key system

Turn-key system

Ready when you are. Immediate commercial deployment for all SDoH network constituents

Built on Salesforce and special AI prescriptive model

Using Salesforce as a solution platform and AWS for the network engine



SocialCarePlus system is HIPAA, SAMHSA, 42 CFR Part 2, and FERPA-compliant EHR FHIR enabled

Actuarial reporting / Analytics

Actuarial reporting / Analytics

Timely and accurate analytics & reporting monitored by an independent healthcare actuarial firm

Enables comprehensive all network constituents

An end-to-end secure system enabling collaboration between all Providers delivering whole-person social care

Join a network

Easily integrate with EHRs, State and County data systems, and

Advancing “whole-person” social care management

After acquiring a person’s social needs through our SDoH screening, this valuable input is run through SocialCarePlus’s unique and innovative AI prescriptive algorithm to determine their optimal “whole-person” social care needs, behavioral patterns, and preferences. The SocialCarePlus system confirms the patient/member program eligibility and sends a secure electronic reference to the best network partners for those particular needed services.

Partners engaged in that person’s care will be able to see when a referral is approved, and if so, whether that person received the social services, as well as all interactions with the patient by all care team members. SocialCarePlus runs a real-time continuous independent actual analysis of all interactions to determine the impact on all NCQA quality measures and care costs.


Our Innovative Technology

All Network partners are connected and collaborate with each other through the SocialCarePlus technology platform. The SocialCarePlus system is HIPAA-compliant allowing appropriate assigned access for sharing secured PII (Personal Health Information)

Our use cases

Build healthier communities
Address SDoH “whole-person” needs

Address SDoH “whole-person” needs

Connect the care community

Connect the care community

Improve health

Improve health equity

Manage population health

Manage population health

Improve outcomes

Improve outcomes

Optimize value-based reimbursements

Optimize value-based reimbursements

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